Simulation Instructor Course

simulation-center-2016This five-day highly interactive certificate course features a multi-disciplinary faculty who teach how to combine simulation with traditional methodologies, apply assessment tools, and choose among various simulation modalities for specific applications. The course provides a practical framework in learning theory, group dynamics, and psychology of the learner, focusing on debriefing skills. A sound integration strategy depends on clinical faculty who understand the theory and practice of simulation. Jumpstart your simulation program with the Penn State Hershey Instructor Course. The Simulation Center, a leader in educating faculty to teach with simulation, has been offering this five-day experiential course continuously since 2007. Our graduates are active in all disciplines and levels of clinical practice. In this course you will:

  • Discover why simulation is a technique, not a technology.
  • Conclude that a simulation program’s first step is not to buy a manikin.
  • Distinguish simulation learning from how you learned in college.
  • Demonstrate the art of debriefing.

Each participant assumes the role of student, instructor, and assessor in various simulation activities throughout the week.

Class space is limited to 15 participants! Participants will receive:

  • Certificate in Simulation
  • 35 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits or 35 PSNA contact hours
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Course materials
  • Flash drive with additional resources

For more information

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