- Walk from Centerview Parking garage to main entrance
- Once inside main entrance, go straight (long hallway).
- You will come to a lion statue. Veer to the right of lion past elevators. This will be a short hallway that takes you outside onto a covered walkway. The library is on your right. You will come to the Library doors, go in and take staircase on right to second floor. You will then be in the Lobby of the Simulation Center.
- Alternately, once you arrive at the lion, you can travel down North Hallway to the right of the lion to North Lobby. From there turn left and follow long curved hallway to the next intersection. You will then be at the main Library entrance. Use either the staircase inside the Library or just outside the main doors. There is also an elevator in side the Library that will go to the Second Floor and the Clinical Simulation Center.